how to heal your heart

We all experience severe heartbreak at some point in our lives. For many it occurs in childhood or adolescence, the time when we are most vulnerable. A cold mother, an absent father, being different from our peers in some way and ostracized for it – these are some of the reasons for the early feeling that something is wrong, inadequate […]

Liver problems – what are the symptoms?

Liver problems can range from mild liver congestion to severe liver disease. Depending on the problem, many people don’t know they have a liver problem and may only have vague symptoms. One of the most common symptoms is chronic fatigue. These people usually feel lethargic and sluggish during the day, especially in the morning. Due to the fact that the […]

Outdoor summer time

Summer fun begins when school ends and there are no more studies, that is for some children. Schools now offer children summer school which can include catching up on hours to graduate or learning new skills and taking classes that need improvement. Other kids go to summer school just to be with their friends and have fun. Many schools plan […]

How to Treat Anchor Worms in Goldfish

Anchor worms are another external parasite that often affects goldfish and other types of fish that are quite common. Anchor worms are often referred to as Lernaea cyprinacea, a common copepod parasite that are small crustaceans. These parasites are found primarily in pond-raised fish, but if left untreated, they can cause serious damage to your fish, not only in the […]

4 Chinese herbs for both male and female fertility

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been used for thousands of years to treat infertility in both men and women. The following Chinese fertility herbs are usually prescribed in conjunction with acupuncture to maximize benefits. I recommend that you consult a Chinese herbalist and/or doctor for these herbs rather than purchasing them as over the counter supplements. Make sure the TCM […]

Matters 101 – Sexual affairs and infidelities

Sexual issues are the most commonly recognized issues. In his book You, him and the other woman, Paul Coleman, PsyD, suggests that while purely sexual affairs can be truly “heartbreaking,” they are usually less complicated to deal with compared to emotional affairs or sexual-emotional affairs. Although popular thinking claims that men are more likely to have sex, it is a […]

A lesbian crush, or is it love?

Therapist: “What brings you up today?” Love Sick Lesbian (LSL): “I can’t take it anymore… I love her so much but she plays with my heart…” Therapist: “Tell me more about this Love.” LSL: “It’s been going on for years and I don’t know how to get over it… I don’t know if this is love or an obsession… or […]

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