What Role Does an Expert Play in Wildfire Cases With Maui Fire Lawyers?

Wildfire Cases With Maui Fire Lawyers

The tragic wildfires that destroyed Lahaina, Hawaii, are a reminder of the devastation that can be caused by human negligence. When these disasters occur, victims and their families deserve justice and financial compensation. However, many victims discover that their insurance does not cover all the costs associated with rebuilding homes, restoring property and repairing damage from the smoke and ash. Fortunately, Maui fire lawyers can help victims recover underinsured losses from responsible parties.

While natural catastrophes such as volcanic eruptions or lightning strikes can spark a fire, the vast majority of fires are started by people. The majority of these are the result of negligent or reckless actions, such as clearing forests of flammable material, leaving out a campfire without putting it out, or failing to maintain power lines. The resulting fires can be devastating for the residents and businesses of an area, as well as posing a threat to public safety.

Despite being one of the world’s most beautiful islands, Hawaii is not immune to the damage that can be caused by uncontrolled wildfires. During the fires that devastated Lahaina, the origin of the flames has yet to be determined, but officials have identified several areas of possible responsibility. While the conditions that fueled the fire were exacerbated by the drought and high winds, the initial spark is believed to have been from utility power lines.

What Role Does an Expert Play in Wildfire Cases With Maui Fire Lawyers?

The blaze has left behind thousands of evacuated families and destroyed over 500 structures. While the blaze is still burning, many residents of Lahaina and other areas of West Maui are struggling to return to their homes. For this reason, many are seeking the assistance of Maui fire attorneys to recover the costs of their losses and damages.

sue Hawaiian Electric

In addition to the loss of home and property, fire victims have also suffered severe emotional distress. This can be even more difficult to recover from than the physical injuries or financial losses resulting from the fires. The team at Nadrich & Cohen and Horovitz & Tilley can assist clients in recovering all their legal rights and damages from responsible parties, including insurance proceeds for underinsured losses.

A lawsuit filed against Hawaiian Electric claims the company directly contributed to the fires that destroyed Lahaina and other parts of Hawaii. The suit claims that the company ignored calls to modernize its power delivery infrastructure in order to save money. It alleges that the negligence and cost-cutting practices ultimately led to the deadly wildfires. The lawsuit is eerily similar to those against California’s PG&E, which was forced into bankruptcy and paid $13.5 billion in settlements to fire victims after its equipment sparked wildfires in 2018.

In order to be successful, the plaintiff’s lawyer will need to demonstrate that the investor-owned utility company functions like a government entity. This legal method, known as inverse condemnation, eliminates the need to prove negligence and allows property owners to seek compensation for their losses.

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