
Top 10 Causes of Recurrent Yeast Infections

If you want to know exactly what causes recurrent yeast infections, this article will be of interest to you. I am assuming that if you are reading this, it probably means that you frequently suffer from this nasty condition and therefore want to understand why it keeps happening again. Effective management of this condition begins with understanding the causes of recurrent yeast infections, not just the symptoms, but also the underlying cause. Once you are aware of this, you will be able to prevent a recurrence of the infection and you will have the necessary information to eliminate the problem for good.

The organism Candida albicans is what causes recurrent yeast infections. Candida albicans is normally present in the body, but only in small amounts. It is an opportunistic fungus that will cause a yeast infection (Candida) if allowed to grow without restriction. This unrestricted growth occurs when there is a change in the body’s natural balance and it is understanding what causes this imbalance that will help you determine what is causing recurrent yeast infections in you.

Here are some of the most common causes of a recurring yeast infection:

o Not completely curing the initial infection

o Do not treat a sexual partner, who can then re-infect you

o Prolonged use of antibiotics that destroy the “good” bacteria that usually keep the Candida organism in check

o Frequently wearing tight or wet clothing (jeans, pantyhose, non-cotton underwear)

o Use of strong/heavily scented products, including; soaps, bubble baths, deodorants, toilet paper, douches, tampons

o Poor diet, specifically high in sugar or yeast-based foods

o Poorly lubricated sex resulting in small tears in the genital region that the Candida organism can infiltrate and infect

o Hormonal changes that can affect the body’s internal pH balance, including; menopause, the birth control pill, steroid use, pregnancy

o Condoms – Some lubricants included with condoms can upset the pH balance and therefore promote yeast overgrowth.

o Weakened Immunity – If your body is already in a weakened state, this opportunist can take advantage and give you a yeast infection only to add to your other problems.

Focusing on the causes of recurring yeast infections will not only clear up the symptoms, but also make you less likely to get another infection in the future. This will often require a lifestyle change, such as changing your diet, sexual habits, clothing, hygiene products, or nutrition. None of these are too cumbersome, and all can ensure that you never have to suffer from this unpleasant condition again.

Now you can start taking positive steps to introduce preventative lifestyle changes, as you now know what causes recurrent yeast infections. So don’t wait for your next infection, start now as this may be the best decision you make. Remember, prevention is better than cure, and by tackling this problem with a more natural or holistic approach, you will not only prevent future Candida infections, but will likely improve your overall health as well.

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