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Numerology, Quantum Physics and Pythagoras

Pythagoras was a great teacher, philosopher, and mathematician in Ancient Greece. Thousands of years ago he said: “God geometrizes.” He also said: “Numbers are alive and are the creation tools of the Universe.” Furthermore, he gave the world the great mathematical secret called “The Pythagorean Theorem”.

Over 40 years ago, when I was first introduced to the writings and teachings of Pythagoras, there was an immediate rapport. I began my forty-year study of numerology. Although I did not understand what he meant when he said: “The numbers are alive.” I believed it

For too many years, I and millions of others have been kept in the dark by the dogmatic teachings of the Age of Pisces. We were prevented from thinking “outside the box”. We were taught that only humans, animals, and plants were alive. And that only we could possess wisdom, strength or power of any kind.

How could such an inanimate object like numbers possess intelligence? How could they possess the ability to create? How could they be more than a chalk mark on a blackboard or a pencil mark on a pad of paper? We are them! They are, in fact, Divine Powers and we can use them to recreate our own lives.

The Age of Aquarius, with its new paradigm of the Laws of Quantum Physics, has blown off not only the lid, but also the sides of the “Pisces Box”. These laws tell us that everything is energy. And that everything is alive with “Quanta”, vital force, that thoughts, as well as numbers, are things.

Everything, universes, galaxies, planets, suns, people, thoughts, emotions and numbers, all exist in an infinite ocean of thought, intelligent energy. It is called the Quantum Ocean, which is actually the Mind of God. We are all living movements and have our being within the Mind of God. Since we are energy, the Universe is energy. Planets, other people, dogs, cats, NUMBERS, they are all energy. We and all energies affect each other.

The Great Cosmic Law of Three and the Laws of Resonant Frequencies tell us that every time an energy field (us) comes into contact with another energy field (person, place or thing) a relationship is born. The relationship of the two different energies creates a third energy. This third energy affects the relationship in many subtle and not so subtle ways. When you were born, there was a particular numerology energy present in the world around you.

By taking your first breath, you tuned your finer energy structure to the prevailing energy structure of the day. You tuned in to the power of number. In Numerology, this is known as your “Destiny Number” and you cannot change it because it was the predominant energy on the day you were born. This energy is within you and is a permanent part of the signal that you transmit to the world around you.

The signal we project outward attracts our lives in the form of people, places, and events. Therefore, it is important that you know the power of attraction of your “Destiny Number”. There are only nine numerical powers alive. Each two-digit number can be reduced to one of nine base numbers. Everything is energy! You are energy! Numbers are energy! When two energy systems come together, a third energy is formed, this being the relationship that will greatly affect your life.

The name you were given can be reduced with the Pythagorean numerological system to a series of numbers. These numbers create relationships with you and attract people, places, and events into your life. If you don’t particularly like how your life is going, you don’t have enough money, health, love or creativity, then simply change the letters of your name and add or subtract letters, until they add up to the numbers of the numerological energies. you want to have in your life.

You can change your current reality to a healthier, happier and more loving reality by changing your name. Remember that Numerology shows us how and that everything is energy. Become a different energetic being.

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