
Food and drink in Mozambique

Mozambican cuisine falls into a unique niche in terms of its origin and destination. Combining the best of Portuguese flair, Indian flavor and a touch of African ingenuity, Mozambican cuisine is a real treat for anyone. The drinks in Mozambique are what one would normally find in the rest of the world, with 1 or 2 exceptions.

Note that Mozambicans like to add peppers to many of their dishes, so be prepared for the food to be hot. You will also find that there are many informal food stalls that can be good to eat, but each must be taken on its merits due to the high number of infectious diseases in the country.

Local Foods

Local food relies heavily on starches such as rice and potato, as well as meat and seafood. Vegetarian dishes aren’t common, but they can be found with a little effort, although why you’d want to skip meth won’t understand most people. Some of the local dishes include:

  • Meat: Beef is known as Bifel (which means steak), while chicken is known as Frango. Both meats are commonly served with a variety of sides such as cashews, coconut, beans, and various spices. You’ll also find Prego steak sandwiches, which is a burger made with a steak covered in chili sauce. Bell peppers are used quite widely, so be sure to keep this in mind if you’re someone who doesn’t like hot food.

  • Fruit: It is any of the wide selection of fresh fruit.

  • Matata: Traditional Mozambican seafood stew made with peanuts.

  • Posho: corn porridge that is considered a staple food in the poorer regions.

  • Sweet Potato Fries: French fries that the locals call chips.

  • Peixe grelhade – Translated as catch of the day, this is a very popular seafood dish due to its ever-changing variety and freshness.

There are many other dishes on offer with regional variations that make for a very interesting dining experience. Traditionally, the main meal in Mozambique is lunch (almoco) and consequently the breakfast meal (small almoco) tends to be quite small. For wealthier families who have the means, dinner (jantar) is considered the main meal, as well as an opportunity to entertain guests.

to drink

Both tea (cha is a local tea) and coffee are very popular in Mozambique and can be found almost everywhere. As for alcoholic drinks, they are also quite widespread and you will often enjoy a glass of Portuguese wine with a meal. Another firm favorite is a corn-based beer traditionally enjoyed in a communal pot at social occasions. A word of warning is in order about a local beer called Nipa which is known to be dangerous and not often found due to its incredibly high alcohol content. There is also a wide selection of beers available from both South Africa and Namibia, as well as some commercially brewed local beers.

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