400 calorie diet: how does it work?

Recently, the 400 calorie diet has taken over many weight loss diet programs in the media. On a television show, there was a woman who had successfully lost six pounds using this weight loss technique. The truth is that this weight loss program is healthy and has been designed by health experts. So what is this diet all about? In […]

Tight hips and the ripple effect in training

As coaches, trainers, and athletes, we have learned that our bodies are complex machines and must be trained as such. In the pursuit of peak performance, strength, and fat loss, we have come to fully appreciate the benefits of body weight and free weight exercises. This could mean starting with push-up variations instead of putting a 130-pound novice on the […]

Why pasta dishes are important for your body

Pasta dishes not only taste delicious, but are also very healthy, very easy to prepare, and very affordable. Although there has been some controversy about whether eating pasta is good or bad for your health, recent studies show that pasta contains good nutrition for your body’s needs and may reduce the risk of breast cancer and diabetes. If you want […]

Stamina 55-2065 Elite Dual Action Elliptical and Programmable Stepper – A Perfect Marriage

As long as you can have two for the price of one, that’s a great deal. That’s one of the reasons I’m pretty impressed with the Stamina 55-2065 Dual Action Elite Programmable Elliptical/Stepper. It has the versatility of an elliptical combined with a stepper and the convenience of being able to use both functions in the same workout. Simple switch […]

Tips on how to gain weight and build muscle

Despite the fact that a large number of adult men and women struggle to lose weight, there are many who struggle to find the best strategy for gaining body weight and building muscle. If you intend to gain weight and build solid muscle, you may need to eat a few extra calories every day. You’ll need to exercise to build […]

My Personal Rev Abs Review

OK, being a Team Beach body trainer, we get information about the new products that are coming out. So in October 2009, we had an informative webinar on a product called Rev Abs created by Brett Hoebel. Brett Hoebel is an international fitness expert and one of the most sought after weight loss, nutrition and lifestyle coaches in New York. […]

The best exercises for love handles

Looking to reduce that belly fat? Do you want to get rid of those love handles? Are you looking for exercises to lose back fat? If your goal is to decrease the size of your waist and reveal your abdominal muscles, then P90X is for you! In just 30 days, by the end of the first phase of the program, […]

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