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Why conspiracy theorists have half a brain

Every week I hear about a new conspiracy theory gaining ground on social media. And it baffles me every time how stupid many of these people can be. Many of these conspiracy theorists mean well, but that doesn’t exempt them from the charge of perpetuating lies.

These so-called truth seekers are some of the most horrible transmitters of misinformation. If they would only look at the obvious, they would see the answers. However, their propagation of lies and mishandling of the truth makes a lot of sense when you see that they too are victims, like most of us, of the matrix. They are programmed to think a certain way and have not been spiritually elevated to see and think outside the box. Unfortunately, I’m afraid the problem runs much deeper than that. When you’re taught that you come from a superior race, it’s hard to let go of that idea.

Let me give you an example. Most scientists cannot explain how the Egyptians built the pyramids. They are a magnificent feat of human engineering. But wait: the conspiracy theorists have an answer. They propose that the Egyptians received help from extraterrestrials and there must be contact and exchange between the two cultures. You will find this theory prevalent on the internet. However, the truth of the matter is such a blow to their egos that they could never accept it. It is obvious that the ancient Egyptians were black Africans and to say that these blacks built one of the great wonders of the world is too much to bear.

In fact, one simply has to look at the hieroglyphs depicting the Egyptians as black to see evidence of this. However, how many conspiracy theorists have risen up and identified the whitening of the Egyptians as a conspiracy? Or pointed out that the culprits are The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, modern universities, many prominent Egyptologists and more! I have not seen conspiracy theorists criticize this area even though it is so blatant. But wait; it gets better Since the Egyptians were integrated brain thinkers, meaning they used both hemispheres of the brain, one can easily see how geniuses they were by today’s standards. Now compare that to the majority of Americans who are left brain thinkers and polarized in that hemisphere; so we can see how the Egyptians were able to create such wonders. It’s okay to admit that geniuses like Nikola Tesla and Leonardo da Vinci were able to use both sides of their brain. However, when it comes to ancient black civilizations like Egypt, they suddenly forget that using both brains is the key to producing an advanced civilization. So, they turn to the theory of alien intervention.

The money doesn’t stop there. Conspiracy theorists have no problem saying that the Illuminati are planning mass extermination to depopulate the planet, establish a new world order, and enslave humanity. You have probably heard this many times. However, they overlook the fact that Africans have already been victims of mass extermination, where more than a hundred million were murdered, raped and enslaved to build the new world. So this so-called illuminati plan has already been implemented; one might consider the subjugation of the African peoples as their test pilot program. The latest conspiracy they have theorized is that our history has changed and the Illuminati are responsible. The idea is that much of the world’s history has been erased and replaced. African-Americans have known this all along and emphatically stated that our education system, specifically history books, are lies and have been whitewashed.

It’s downright baffling how these “investigators” overlook these facts that have been right in front of their faces. They acknowledge that history has changed, but seem unwilling to address the fact that white colonizers not only invaded ancient cultures, but destroyed their societies and murdered their people. They then took it upon themselves to justify their murderous acts in the name of Christianity. Look at the cultures we learned about in school, for example, the Mayan, Chinese, and African cultures. Many of the ancient artifacts have been stolen or destroyed by white settlers. It would seem that there was a plan to destroy ancient knowledge. Furthermore, we are told that these indigenous people of color were pagan and primitive, but ironically, they were able to build magnificent cities, temples, and other structures. Why haven’t conspiracy theorists addressed the fact that there is a massive effort to vilify people of color and destroy their ancient cultures and civilizations? The names of the culprits are not hard to find: Christopher Columbus, King Leopold II of Belgium and, most recently, Zahi Hawass, former Egyptian State Minister for Antiquities Affairs, accused of theft. Only Hawass is responsible for hiding important information and covering up the true origins of the ancient Egyptians. And I’m only scratching the surface; this is just a short list of names.

Now here comes the kicker. The new theory is that modern man is barbaric, causing countless wars on the planet. I totally agree with this statement. But instead of investigating the true cause, they are wrong to say that the reason “we” are so barbaric is that ancient aliens altered our DNA. This is beyond absurd. When they say “we”, who exactly are they referring to? It certainly can’t be people of color or native Indians. Because no person of indigenous culture has ever waged a global war, enslaved masses of color-based people, and created nuclear weapons that could destroy the planet many times over. Oh wait! Could they be referring to white men? After all, it is white men who created the system of racism and are the dominant and controlling force on the planet. Let’s clarify who has the altered DNA.

If you understand climate adaptation, then you know that humans of white ancestry who developed in a cold climate became more left-brained thinkers. The left brain thinks in terms of separation, individualism, labels, terms, facts, logic, etc. Combine this with the fact that they have to fight for food in a hostile climate, and one can see how aggressive cuteness emerged. This left-brain dominance does not make one inherently evil, because all people are God men and God women. Rather, when such tendencies are not controlled spiritually by the right brain, which is concerned with morality, cooperative efforts, unification, spirituality, then you get the corrupt world you see before you, the very world the man complains about. conspiracy theorist. However, instead of looking at genetics and climate evolution, they attribute their aggressive nature to aliens tampering with their DNA. One can only laugh at this. It should be noted that the basis for their theory comes from the Sumerian tablets known as the Annunaki creation story where they interpreted the text to say that 445,000 years ago these aliens came from space to alter humanity’s DNA.

Most of this can be summed up by saying that those who control the world today are left brain thinkers, which means they use half their brain. Instead of using both sides of the brain like most ancient cultures did, we are stuck with seeing and operating in the world from a skewed perspective. That is why our progress is delayed. That is why we have not been able to produce the wonders that our great ancestors of indigenous cultures did. That is why we are stuck in war after war with no hope of peace in sight. But the real question is, why haven’t conspiracy theorists picked up on this obvious fact?

The answer is simple. You can’t use the same mindset that created the problem to solve it. For them, seeing the truth means that they would have to break out of the matrix and start thinking in an entirely different way, one that would take them off their high horse of cultural and racial superiority to present a whole new paradigm, one that they might not be willing to do. to hug The truth hurts even a truth seeker!

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