
The 8 Worst Foods for Teeth and 4 Ways to Help Fight the Damage

Foods that hurt:

Citric fruit

It seems strange that fruits like lemons and grapefruit, which are rich in vitamin C and offer your body great nutritional value, could be so harmful to your teeth. In addition to being high in vitamins, they are also extremely acidic, which means they will wear down your enamel over time. Since these fruits are great for your health, you shouldn’t avoid them entirely, just limit how much you eat per day and brush afterward.

Hard and chewy candies

Chewy sweets like caramel or marshmallow stick to your teeth for a long time, giving bacteria more time to interact with the sugar and produce acid that erodes enamel. Hard candies, while not as sticky, remain in the mouth for an extended period of time as they dissolve, bathing teeth in sugary residue. Many sour and chewy candies are also flavored with citric acid, the same substance that makes lemons and limes dangerous to tooth enamel.


Pickled cucumbers, or any pickled food, are created by soaking the food in acid, usually vinegar-based. However, most people don’t eat pickles regularly, so having one now and then is unlikely to affect your overall dental health.


Most people know that sugary sodas are bad for your teeth, but you may not realize that even sugar-free diet sodas still contain large amounts of enamel-eroding citric acid and phosphorous. If you absolutely can’t do without soda, try drinking it at mealtimes instead of throughout the day. Your brush and/or rinse after meals will help neutralize the acids.

Sports and Energy Drinks

They may seem like a healthier alternative to soda, but most sports and energy drinks are even more acidic than soda and can be more damaging to your teeth when consumed regularly.


Red wines can stain teeth, but even white wines contain erosive acids that allow stains to actually soak into teeth. The tannins contained in red wine also tend to dry out the mouth, preventing the flow of saliva from removing the acids.


Saltine crackers and other types of white flour-based crackers contain high amounts of refined carbohydrates, which are quickly converted to sugar (and, in turn, acid) by carbohydrate-loving bacteria in your mouth. Biscuits also tend to turn into a sticky, paste-like substance when chewed, allowing them to penetrate the creases of your teeth. Since cookies are unlikely to be a big part of your diet, it’s okay to eat them once in a while, but be sure to brush your teeth afterwards.


Coffee is another surprising source of stains, and it’s also, you guessed it, quite acidic. Compared to smokers and tea drinkers, stains on the teeth of coffee drinkers are often more resistant to discoloration or whitening, and they are more likely to stain again after treatment.

Foods that help:

sugar free gum

It’s not technically a food, but it’s a great weapon against cavity-causing acid. Chewing sugarless gum after meals stimulates saliva production, which helps remove harmful material and food debris from the teeth. Sugarless gum is often sweetened with a chemical called xylitol, which also helps fight bacteria.


This seems obvious, but many Americans don’t drink enough water. In addition to helping remove acid and debris from teeth, most US cities add fluoride to tap water to help fight cavities.

Dairy products

Dairy is the main source of calcium for most people. Getting enough calcium is one of the best ways to keep your teeth strong and healthy. Many people are lactose intolerant these days, so if you’re one of those people, take a calcium supplement to ensure you’re getting enough.

High fiber leafy vegetables

Vegetables like spinach and broccoli provide a huge dose of nutrients for your body, and they’re also great for your teeth because they require a lot of chewing. All that chewing stimulates the salivary glands to produce more, and the food itself helps clean the teeth while it’s chewed.

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