Lifestyle Fashion

Texts to send to your ex boyfriend that will make him come back

More than anything else, you REALLY want to text her … but you have no idea what to say.

Texting your ex boyfriend can be disastrous if done incorrectly. But it can also be an incredibly effective way to get their attention. Send the right text, at the right time? And suddenly the tide turns, and HE is chasing you again.

However, first, you should know that texting an ex boyfriend is usually not a good idea. Not initially, at least.

Some things need to happen before sending any type of text message. There are certain opening movements that you should make before beginning any contact with your ex boyfriend. Learn first, before you decide to pick up that phone and text it.

Once you’ve done that? Time to get to the good stuff:

Knowing when to text your ex boyfriend

Right off the bat, know that your ex will only accept a limited amount of contact with you. There is a small level of conversation after the breakup that is acceptable. So the first time you call or text him? He will listen. Is it the 450th time you’ve gotten close? No way.

The truth is that, in general, less is more. You have a good hit or two to make positive contact after your ex dumps you, so don’t waste them. Especially don’t waste them begging or pleading or telling your ex to give you “another chance,” which will only push him away and make any future contact you have with him fall on deaf ears.

Okay, on the subject of WHEN to text your ex boyfriend:

Your main goal when texting after your breakup is to get an immediate, positive response. So with that in mind, you’ll want to send the text message at a time when you’re sure your ex is not busy.

The morning is always hard; Many things happen and most people are in a hurry. The day is not so good either: a lot of people are at work or school, or your ex may be with their friends. You DON’T want to text him while he’s with his friends, so you’ll want to wait until 9pm. M. At night, or sometime at that time.

Waiting until dark is a good idea because your boyfriend’s day is over. Things aren’t that crazy, dinner is over and I’m probably relaxed. This is when he is most receptive to hearing from you. And this is also when you are most likely to get a positive response.

At night, people get nostalgic. They also feel lonely. If your ex thinks about you, it is during these moments. This is when he’ll miss you, miss your relationship, and sometimes even revisit those good old days together.

Well then you know the moment. Now what do you say when you text your ex?

Sending your ex the “I’m fine” message

Getting your boyfriend back is a series of methodical steps. And the first? To let him know that you have stopped resisting the breakup.

To do this, you need to let your boyfriend know that you are completely okay with the breakup. And this is how:

“Hey, I just wanted to say that I totally agree with the breakup. I thought about it a lot and you’re right, ending things is the way to go. Take care of yourself, and who knows? Maybe one day we can even be friends.”

Shorts. Candy. It is this type of text that will instantly reach your ex boyfriend, and although you did not say much, what you said made Let’s say it will have a significant impact on how he sees you now.

First of all, you are not fighting him. This is puzzling to your ex boyfriend, because he expected you to fight for the relationship. Now all of a sudden you agree with him. You are not asking to move on, and you are not embarrassed by throwing yourself at their feet.

The most interesting thing about this text is that puts you on his side. Like it or not, suddenly you are on his team. There is nothing to fight or argue over, because you agree. And this is the first step in creating those important emotional bonds that will eventually bring you back together.

Text Your Ex Boyfriend “No More Talking”

After a breakup, there are usually dozens, if not hundreds, of back and forth conversations that people will have with their exes. Most of it becomes accusatory. Things get ugly quickly and the memories between you are poisoned with all kinds of bad blood.

But you are going to avoid all that. Because this is what you say:

“Hey, I was thinking, and it’s probably best if we don’t talk anymore. I agree 100% with what you said. Good luck, and maybe we’ll be friends again one day.”

This is known as a post-breakdown preventive strike. Instead of letting HIM dictate when and how they communicate with each other, He simply ripped the entire band-aid off with a quick yank.

Your ex boyfriend was ready to fight you by texting. He was ready to ignore your messages, respond with sarcastic jokes, and basically inflate his own ego as you kept trying to unsuccessfully communicate with him through your phone.

Instead of all that, YOU ended all contact with HIM. This puts YOU in the driver’s seat, because YOU are the one who dictated what happens next. And what happens? Nothing. Because you’re not going to text or call him until he calls you first.

And believe me, that will certainly happen. Right after sending a text message like this? Your ex is stumped. Wondering what the hell happened to CHANGING YOUR MIND. Did you move on? Did some other guy come on the scene? Will you go out now and see other people?

One of the things your ex hasn’t had to face yet is the possibility of losing you. This is because he always knew that he could have you back whenever he wanted. By cutting off all communication between you, you have created a silence that makes it extremely uncomfortable. And being uncomfortable is one of the biggest motivators when it comes to re-weighing his decision to break up with you in the first place.

Texting your ex to ‘make him jealous’

This is a fast and effective text message that will revolutionize your world. Are you ready?

“Hey, you know, I agree with you. It would definitely be better if we both started seeing other people. I’m sorry this didn’t work out. Good luck.”

Once again, your boyfriend broke things up knowing that he could cancel the breakup at any time. With just a word or two, you would fly back into his arms.

But after this text message? NOT. Suddenly, that is no longer a certainty.

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