Arts Entertainments

Pajama personality test to find the perfect pajamas for you.

Every woman is unique and different, with changing moods and things going on in our lives that make us one person one day and a completely different person the next. Pajamas are a reflection of the person we are inside. To help you determine the perfect pajama style for your personality and mood, we reached out to the experts in women’s pajamas and put together this 7-question quiz. Today’s pajamas come in so many unique and fun varieties that every woman can find pajamas to match her personality and mood. Find your perfect pajamas now!

If you were stranded alone on a desert island, which would you prefer more?

  1. A good book
  2. Photos of your friends and family.
  3. a hot man
  4. A constant source of food and water.

Finish this sentence: “At night, just before I go to bed, I like ____.”

  1. Prepare a to-do list for tomorrow
  2. Touch my darling on the shoulder for some, you know
  3. Relive a special moment of the day in my mind
  4. Apply lotion to my arms, legs and face and lie perfectly still under the covers so nothing rubs off.

When you eat an ice cream cone, ___

  1. Dive in and take a bite out of the top
  2. Savor every lick
  3. Make sure you eat around the edges first so nothing leaks.
  4. Never eat ice cream – too many calories

Your favorite type of movie is:

  1. fast-paced thrillers
  2. steamy love stories
  3. comedies
  4. I never have time to go to the movies.

Your favorite activity to do while wearing pajamas is:

  1. Read
  2. Snuggle up with the kids and significant others
  3. Painting your toenails while listening to music
  4. Cleaning the house

The first thing you do in the morning is:

  1. watch the news
  2. Stick with a cup of coffee as long as possible
  3. Make the beds and dress the children
  4. Throw a new load of laundry in

You feel happier when:

  1. You have accomplished almost everything on your to-do list that day
  2. You can postpone tasks until tomorrow
  3. Your family and friends are all happy and healthy.
  4. The house is clean, the doors are closed, and things are ready for tomorrow.

How to determine your perfect pajama style: Add up all of your 1. answers, 2. answers, and so on.

Mainly 1. answers: you are more suitable for pajamas that match your practical personality, do your best. But, even if you have a lot to do, you deserve to pamper yourself and put on luxurious pajamas. Try chenille robes and all cotton or silk pajama sets.

Mostly 2. answers: you prefer dream pajamas that allow you to dream about the most important aspects of your life: children, friends and lovers. You should choose sexy lingerie and cute tank tops with funny sayings for your nightwear.

Mostly 3. answers: You are a person with many moods and your personality requires a selection of pajamas that fit your changing emotions. You should have 3 types of pajamas on hand: a classic nightgown for nights when you feel elegant; a luxurious robe and slippers for nights when you feel cranky and need cuddles; and a sloppy flattering to keep you feeling sexy at night.

Mostly 4. answers: you need to relax and chill. Take a moment for yourself and you will feel rejuvenated and ultimately better. Try a set of roomy pajama bottoms and an oversized shirt that are just for you and no one else. Give yourself a manicure and a moment with your favorite music to get back in touch with yourself.

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