Have you ever wondered if you are good enough?

How often do you berate yourself, feel like you fell short, didn’t accomplish what you set out to do, or did as much as others in your orbit? A 2020 survey of 2,000 adults by a weight loss company found that we criticize ourselves six times a week; I personally think that number is on the low side! How many […]

How to start beekeeping for free

Beekeeping has suddenly become popular after being in decline for more than half a century. Honey bees have been in the news for all the wrong reasons: colony collapses, pesticide poisoning, and parasitic mites, and all of this bad news seems to have triggered an almost primal desire in people to want to help and nurture this vitally important insect. […]

Why do ferrets steal things?

The word ferret has its origin in Latin and is translated as pilferer. With that tidbit of knowledge, it shouldn’t surprise you that ferrets like to steal things and hoard them. My ferrets take everything they can drag. I’ve seen my little one pound girl try to take the dog’s sterilized bone; the bone weighs more than it does. (The […]

Persistence is the key

People who become leaders of their lives instead of going with the flow and accepting the scraps that life throws at them understand the power of persistence. Earl Nightingale, American author and radio host says: “Sometimes it seems there is a hidden guide somewhere whose duty it is to test men and women through all sorts of daunting experiences. Those […]

Is a white ink tattoo better than a black one?

Many people get body parts tattooed for the love of art, although most would do so to remind them of a life experience or a promise they made. One of the best things about this is that one can show this to the world. The bad thing is that, when one gets older, the skin begins to loosen and the […]

What Height Should Vertical Radiators Be?

Vertical Radiators When choosing a vertical radiator, consider how much space they will take up. This type of radiator is ideal for rooms with limited wall space, as they will free up the space in front of the window. In addition to providing extra heat, tall radiators look fantastic, and you can choose from a variety of styles and colours […]

Android smartphone review

It’s been a while since the first phone to use Google’s revolutionary Android operating system, the T Mobile G1, was released, and the concept seems to have picked up speed a bit, with a plethora of new Android mobile phones and smartphones now available. . Here is a brief review of each of the past and current Android phones released […]

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