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Have you ever wondered if you are good enough?

How often do you berate yourself, feel like you fell short, didn’t accomplish what you set out to do, or did as much as others in your orbit? A 2020 survey of 2,000 adults by a weight loss company found that we criticize ourselves six times a week; I personally think that number is on the low side!

How many of us speak to ourselves more harshly than ever before to anyone else, calling ourselves stupid, bad, obsessed with even the smallest mistake or transgression? The reality is that we may have done something stupid, but that doesn’t make us stupid. And then when we reflect on what happened, it may have been that we were stressed, or distracted, or worried, or something else.

The same survey shows that 80% of us worry about past mistakes, struggle to put the past behind us, and often compare ourselves unfavorably to others. Sounds like a very stressful way to live.

Let’s consider ways we can improve our perspective and begin to feel like we’re good enough.

– Appreciate that others often use their public face as soon as they leave the house. You know yourself that even if you just go to the shops, you are likely to remove the nape of your neck, apply some aftershave lotion or lipstick. Like others. They show what they want to be shown.

– Remember that when we compare ourselves with others we are not measuring equal for equal. Each person has their own situation, their own history, priorities, motivations and circumstances behind the public persona, most of which we are unlikely to have the slightest inkling.

– If you are not getting what you have proposed ask yourself why is that. Is your goal; Do you want it enough or do you just do it to please others? Could it be that your underlying goal is to make long-deceased parents or grandparents proud, but it’s not really inspiring enough or beyond your capabilities? Once you stop to reflect, you realize that those relatives would prefer that you do something that makes you happy.

– Be your own worst critic. it could well arise from living the dream of a friend or family member. They may live vicariously through you and are very involved in every stage of your progress, feeling free to advise, coach and criticize. They may feel like they’re being helpful, they’re offering encouragement, but they’re actually pushing you toward the success you’ve been missing out on without taking risks or investing in the work.

– When we doubt our abilities, Feeling that we are not good enough has an impact on everything we do. Our outlook, outlook, self-confidence, enthusiasm levels, and decision-making can be dimmed by uncertainty and even fear. This can cause hesitation and make us second-guess every decision we have to make. Things we wouldn’t even question when we’re in a more positive frame of mind may well turn into big areas of doubt, should I/shouldn’t I dilemmas. Stressful, it drains energy and diminishes your single focus towards your goals.

– Accept that failure and setbacks bring your own lessons and rewards. Any new company must test and challenge you; that is part of the experience, the fun and the maximum satisfaction. Instead of second-guessing yourself, start valuing the difficult moments that push you on your journey as part of an opportunity to learn new skills and make new connections.

– Allow others to join your ‘team’. It doesn’t mean you’re not good enough if you have gaps in your knowledge. Knowing where to go to remedy problems and deficiencies is a skill in itself. No one can be an expert in everything, so let others contribute their ideas, talents, and input and maybe even discover better ways of doing things.

– Be kind to yourself. Breaks, fun, and free time are a great way to recharge your batteries, and you may come back with new ideas, inspiration, and solutions to things that previously bothered you.

– But still do not allow yourself to languish too much in your comfort zone. If you’ve been going through a rough time, have a lot to do, then going at a steady pace may be fine, but staying on cruise control too long isn’t doing you any favors. It’s good to get away from the comfortable sometimes.

– If you are aiming for a big target It can be discouraging if things don’t go your way. Instead of beating yourself up and telling yourself you’re not good enough, why not break it down into smaller chunks that are more manageable, achievable, and put you on the right path? Remember to praise yourself with each stage you achieve.

Enjoy knowing that every experience, good or bad, forms pieces of the puzzle that makes up your life. Invest well in each part of the image you are creating.

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