
My husband is always bored in my company! How do I keep him excited to be around me?

Do you feel like the spice has run a bit out of your marriage? If her husband has a bad attitude and seems bored when he’s around you, find out why and how to fix it.

Are you really boring?

It is quite possible that you are not boring at all and your husband expects too much from you.

You should also consider that it may be his life that is boring him, and he is choosing to take it out on you and make you the scapegoat.

If you are a housewife, find something interesting to do

Men are more attracted to women who have something interesting and intelligent to talk about. Working women have the advantage of being able to discuss their jobs and careers. If you’re a stay-at-home mom, work for a charity, a homeless shelter, or an animal shelter, PETA, whatever interests you. Volunteer at the local children’s hospital by reading books.

This will be beneficial to you and will begin the process of rebuilding your self-esteem.

Talk about him and ask about him

Even if you have new and exciting things in your life, you don’t want to make the mistake of talking about yourself too much.

Don’t just ask how their day was when the two of you are having dinner. Ask her questions about the projects she is working on and which co-workers she likes and dislikes. After all, it’s better to get this information later than never, and it could only help you in future business functions.

Also, make sure he knows you really care and are interested. Look him in the eye and stay close when he’s talking.

Are you misreading the whole situation?

Many times, women think their husbands are bored with them simply because they don’t give them expensive gifts and don’t take them out on the town regularly like they used to.

The truth is, he’s not doing those things because he’s busy and working, and now he’s married to you. He no longer feels the need to constantly prove himself to you.

You are thinking that he is demanding entertainment from you and he is not getting it, therefore he is bored, right? The truth is that you could be asking too much of him.

Accept the natural evolution of a marriage

It just can’t feel like your honeymoon will last forever. Although it’s unrealistic to expect fireworks and flowers every day, that doesn’t mean there’s no love left between you and your husband.

You can help keep things spicy if you feel the need just by staying in good shape. If you need to join a gym, then do it.

Don’t forget that men need certain things to stay interested

This doesn’t mean that he will divorce you if you don’t do the things suggested here, but it does mean that men are more likely to be enthusiastic about you and the marriage if he’s stimulated.

How do you keep him stimulated? Appealing to his masculine nature, which dictates that he is very visual and needs to have sex with you frequently.

Take care of his visual needs by always trying to look your best and surprise him often with very sexy lingerie.

If you let your sex life die, it will be very difficult to keep your husband focused on you.

Don’t expect all your social stimulation from him.

Keep a circle of friends and family around you as much as possible. It is possible to put a lot of undue stress on her marriage if she isolates herself and only dates her husband when she gets home.

You definitely need your own social life and to restore or strengthen ties and bonds outside of marriage.

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