
jesus christ and easter

The Easter Story is at the heart of Christianity, its message proclaiming Jesus Christ as our Savior and the Light of the World. The Resurrection proclaimed victory over death and opens our eyes to spiritual reality, giving us the confident hope of an eternal future in the Heavenly Kingdom of God. This is the heart of the Christian faith and the belief that truly becomes a living expression of the hope that God has brought to the world through Jesus.

Religious significance of Easter

The essential inspiration of Jesus Christ, from His Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection to eternal life and glory, has had a tremendous influence on mankind. His Message from God, of love and hope, of mercy, repentance and forgiveness continues and will be a guide and comfort for people seeking salvation.

His Crucifixion and Resurrection occurred some two thousand years ago and are recorded in the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and documented by Roman, Jewish, and Greek historians. From that foundation, Christianity grew, sending branches in many directions from ancient Jerusalem. The Christian church appeared after much suffering and martyrdom when many of those early Christians were beaten, stoned to death, thrown to lions, tortured, and crucified to stop speaking. However, they gave up their lives for their faith as the ultimate proof of their complete confidence in the truth of their message. Christian missionaries who carried the Word of God went on to bring the Cross of Christ to all continents and to all peoples.

that special sunday

Palm Sunday is celebrated on the Sunday before Easter. Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a donkey on a Sunday. He came as the humble Messiah prophesied by Zechariah, but the people greeted him as the King of Israel with palm branches. Jesus Christ rose from the dead early on a Sunday morning so faithful Christians spend this day going to church to hear the Voice of God and find Jesus the Savior.

cross of christ

Every year, on Good Friday, the bells of all the Christian churches in the world begin to ring slowly, lamenting the Death of Jesus Christ. The faithful Christians, once again, will walk in his Footsteps with great devotion, on this day, our dear Lord, Jesus Christ, closed his Eyes in Death on the Cross. Good Friday marks his Crucifixion and Easter Sunday his Resurrection to eternal life and glory. Throughout history, untold millions of people have walked this path to follow Jesus Christ in a spirit of sincere reverence and faith carrying the Cross of Christ.

The Last Supper

Jesus knew His Fate and was committed to His Father’s Will. The Last Supper represents Jesus with his disciples where he instituted the Holy Eucharist. Eucharist comes from the Greek word “eukaristos” meaning thanksgiving or thanksgiving and has essentially become an integral part of Holy Communion. The bread and wine represent the Lord’s Supper. Jesus took the bread, gave thanks, broke it, and distributed it among his disciples, saying, “This is my Body which has been given to you; do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19). He then shared wine (His Blood from him of the New Covenant) and gave it to each of his Disciples.

Holy Communion is the Body and Blood of our Lord, given in the form of bread and wine and instituted by Jesus himself so that we may receive it throughout our lives in His memory. It is a visible memory of his Body that was nailed to the Cross on Golgotha ​​and his Blood that was shed there. When we participate in the Eucharist we receive the gift of forgiveness that purifies the soul and opens the way to the promise of eternal life in the Heavenly Kingdom of God.

Easter celebrations

Every devout Christian treasures Easter and the wonderful traditions that surround it. It is a great festival that is celebrated as a public holiday in many countries of the Christian world. Like all holidays, it is celebrated in a surprising variety of ways depending on people’s beliefs and their religious denominations. As the excitement of Easter fills the air, churches once again prepare to celebrate and honor the power and glory of the Resurrection of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. And, there is a certain joy in the heart as each family will gather around their festive Easter table to celebrate their rich Easter traditions.

Along with its special religious significance, many other popular celebratory customs such as Easter eggs and the Easter bunny have also become synonymous with this great festival, while many traditional foods served during Holy Week have become become symbolic staples of the Easter party. Among the popular symbols, the Paschal Lamb is by far the most significant of this great festival that represents Christ. (“Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!) This was the statement of John the Baptist in John 1:29 upon seeing Jesus for the first time. People also bake or buy special Easter sweet breads and hot cross buns, popular in English-speaking countries like the UK and Australia And, like Santa Claus, the Easter bunny brings gifts for children on Easter Sunday when they wake up to find baskets full of chocolate and candy and eggs hidden in the house for them to seek and find.

the holy ground

Thousands of pilgrims from all over the world will also travel to the Holy Land to celebrate the Feast of Easter. They gather for a sunrise Easter service at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem and take part in one of the many processions that retrace the route of Jesus Christ’s journey to Golgotha, known as the “Twelve Stations of the Cross.”

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