Health Fitness

How To Lose Thigh Fat: The Only Way That Works!

If you want to know how to lose thigh fat, you’ll be pleased to know that simple changes in your life can make a big difference. It is very easy to become overwhelmed with all the information and misinformation surrounding the area of ​​weight loss. If you can eliminate information overload, you’ll find that there are some basic ideas that really work.

There are some pranksters who would say that the best way to lose thigh fat is with a very baggy pair of pants, ideally black. But this is not very useful! To change the shape of any part of your body, you’ll need to change more than just your wardrobe!

It is a common misconception that you can selectively remove fat from one part of your body or another. Unfortunately this is not true. Your genetic makeup controls where fat is stored in your body and there is nothing you can do to change it. What CAN change is the total amount of body fat you have and the tone of the muscles underneath. Both of them can transform saggy thighs into sexy ones.

We all know that traditional diets don’t work. Even if you manage to lose a few pounds to begin with, they all come back on when you stop dieting. If you want to know how to lose thigh fat, you need to change your lifestyle. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but deep down everyone needs to realize that if you keep living the same way, you’ll stay the way you are. If you want to change the way you are, you must change the way you live.

It doesn’t have to be as drastic as the last sentence may sound. You don’t need to become a ‘my body is a temple’ fanatic who only drinks prune juice and runs 30 miles every day. Let’s face it, if you only drink prune juice, you’ll end up running 30 miles a day. You just need to take control of two key areas of your life: what you eat and how you exercise.

I find that it is the easiest to start with the exercise question. Let’s first dispel some myths. Exercise is not just what happens in the gym. Your daily exercise is made up of all the activities you do every day: climbing stairs, walking, and (dare I mention it) sex. If you live a fairly sedentary life (and most of us do these days), you just need to start doing more of these activities.

I realize your attention may be wandering a bit now, but if I can bring you back to the idea of ​​walking for a moment, try to get into the habit of walking for 30 minutes a day, if you can. Maybe on your lunch hour. Maybe after I get home. You don’t have to think of it as a formal exercise. Make up an excuse to get out of the house. Walking to the shops to get a pint of milk. Take the dog for a walk. Go visit friends on foot instead of taking the car. If you start walking just 30 minutes a day, you will soon begin to notice changes in your body.

  1. Your stamina will start to improve. Where before it was hard for you to walk for 30 minutes, soon you will be able to walk 45 minutes, then an hour.
  2. Your thighs and belly will begin to firm up. You may start to see some muscle definition in your thighs when before all you could see was “orange peel.”
  3. You start to feel better about yourself.
  4. You will have more energy for any other ‘activity’ you want to do (!)

Having made such good progress, then it’s only natural to start feeling good and thinking about how to make further improvements. This is where ambition comes into play. Now, just aiming for firmer thighs is not enough. You want to go for the full sexy beach body that you never thought you could achieve before. This is the time when it will be easiest for you to start thinking about moderating what you eat. After all, when you’re feeling good about changes in your body, it’s much easier to motivate yourself to stop eating double cheeseburgers than it is when you’re feeling bad about yourself.

The trick with food is to make sure you balance things out:

  1. Make sure you eat enough good things: vegetables, nuts, fruits (especially berries), and whole grains.
  2. Try to reduce the things that you know are bad for you: anything with too much fat (buy hamburgers, mayonnaise, fried bread, anything fried!), sugar and cream in coffee, cakes and pastries.
  3. Try to eat more often, but less and less. Five small meals spread throughout the day are better than two large ones.

The path to a massive body transformation is made up of many small lifestyle changes. Not a big big lightning bolt.

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