Arts Entertainments

How to have sex with 9s and 10s – Don’t despair

A big problem a lot of guys have when it comes to how to have sex with 9s and 10s is that they jump at the first sign of interest. The girl is extremely hot and when she shows that she likes you, you start to jump up and go crazy. The result is that you give all your power to the girl.

There are many things that could be signs of interest. She could tell that she likes your shirt. She might ask you to buy her a drink. However, they could be more obvious, like flirting with body language. Whatever you do, don’t rush to get her phone number and get her out of there. Take it easy and relaxed.

show him that you understand

It’s important that you show him that you understand what it’s like to be a sexy girl. If you jump to his cues too soon, it means you don’t understand him. You’re not as cool as she thought you were. You may even be desperate. You have fallen in love with the hot girl like any other guy you have ever met in her life.

When he shows a sign of interest in you, he wants it to be normal, like it’s not a big deal to you. If you jump at the first sign of interest, you show him that he is making a mistake.

test it

What you should do is try it. For example, a girl once asked me to stick my tongue out at her teeth. She wanted to see if I wanted to make out with her. I jumped on it and then she laughed and said that she had a boyfriend. I was primed.

More recently, a girl asked me if I was good at kissing. I told her that maybe she was and that she would have to wait to find out later. I ended up going home with her that night because I had a little patience.

touching and teasing

Many attractive girls will try to control the interaction by touching you. As they lose more control, they use this touch to assert themselves. A great way to handle this is to increase physical distance a bit. Do not say anything or show any excessive indication; just back off a bit. This tells her that you are not too eager to go out with her.

Learning how to have sex with 9s and 10s isn’t too hard, but you have to learn to stop showing how impressed you are that she’s talking to you.

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