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How to fix window error 126

Sometimes it happens that when you try to run an application on your PC, an error message appears on your screen. Most of the time you refer the problem to Help and Support, but there are some problems that you can’t refer to Help and Support and you have to solve them yourself, Windows Error 126 is one of them.

Why does error 126 occur?

Error 126 often occurs at runtime, that is, when you are trying to run some application. The reason behind this error is the unavailability of some DLL files associated with that application. So, to run that file, it is important that you specify all the paths of the different DLLs because connecting to the database requires these files. Some common databases are: the Oracle ODBC driver, the Microsoft Oracle driver, and the WinSQL Oracle driver. (Good explanation)

The second reason for error 126 is DLL corruption. The DLL file may be corrupted due to some malicious application such as malware and virus.

The third possible reason behind error 126 is that the path to the required DLL is incorrect. This is due to some issues in the registry, therefore it is important that all DLL files are registered and recorded in the Windows Registry.

You can follow these simple steps to fix error 126

1. Click the Start button
2. On the Start menu, click Run
3. In a pop-up window, type Regedit.
4. In the registry, go to HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServices%ServiceName%Parameters.
5. In this directory, check the parallel filename value for the service DLL.
6. Now check the location given in ServiceDLL and make sure the file exists or not.
7. If the file does not exist there, copy HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServices%ServiceName%ParametersserviceDLL from some other system with the same OS that has the same Service Pack and put it on your system.
8. After put it on your PC, restart your computer and run the application that was giving an error, it will run successfully.

Another method to solve this problem is provided below.

1. Click Start and in the menu click Run
2. In Run, type the command cmd and press enter.
3. This command will open a command prompt
4. In the command prompt, type d:i386srvsvc.dl_ c:windowssystem32srvsvc.dll and press Enter after that close the command prompt.
5. Now click on Start and go to Run option.
6. In Run, type Services.msc and press Enter.
7. Now start the server service again, your application will run successfully.

This guide assumes that your CD-Rom drive is D and your hard drive is C.

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