
How much money can you earn teaching English in Korea?

Do you have a true passion for travel? Do you want to see the world? Have you thought about living abroad for a while so you can really immerse yourself in another culture?

Have you considered the idea of ​​teaching English in Korea?

Well, did you know that Korea, apart from being an amazing and underrated country in itself, is actually one of the highest paid countries to teach English?

I have been teaching English in Korea for over a year, and the basic starting salary for a first-time teacher is currently 2.2 million won per month, which is about $2,100 or £1,300.

Now this doesn’t seem like a lot of money, but what you should also keep in mind is that when you teach in Korea, you will be provided with a FREE furnished apartment right next to your school.

When you consider how much of your income typically goes towards your rent or mortgage in your home country, you can see that you can actually save a lot of money by teaching English in Korea.

Seoul’s public transportation system is one of the highest rated in the world, and living here you’ll see why. A two-hour subway ride will set you back a little over a dollar! So there’s really no need to own and pay to drive a car here, which is usually another big life expense. Just think how much you’re automatically saving by not paying rent and car payments!

BUT, not only that, the cost of living here is also much cheaper! For example, I live in Seoul (one of the biggest cities in the world) and I go out to eat every night of the week and pay around $3 for a delicious and filling Korean meal each time. Drinks are cheap, entertainment is cheap, shopping is also relatively cheap: As long as you don’t splurge, you can live a very high standard of living and still save a lot of money as an English teacher in Korea.

Overall, I saved more than $8,000 (£5,000) in my first year of teaching in Korea without even trying, and this year I earned 2.4 million won and hope to save around $11,000 (£7,000).

Not only will you have an amazing year, experiencing new things, doing fun and rewarding work, but it also makes a lot of financial sense!

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