Digital Marketing

Freelance writers must deliver unique content

With all the changes in search algorithms, many web content writers seem to get confused about writing quality and unique content. Sure, you can write a quality blog post and still rank poorly in search. The reason could be that the post, while unique in nature, did not actually provide any unique value to the user.

When people search the web, they are looking for specific information. They may want an answer to a question or advice on which to make a major buying decision. Let’s look at some characteristics that indicate that blog and web content are not unique unless they provide unique value to the reader.

The first key to blog and web content success is quality

Google’s quality guidelines state that quality content should be unique, valuable, and engaging. These guidelines also raise the question, “Would you do this if search engines didn’t exist?” Quality content provides real answers to people’s questions. It’s content that people can easily digest and appreciate because it entertains them or tells them how to do something. Quality content is content that is cited, linked to, and shared.

Quality content must be unique

It’s certainly not easy to come up with a totally original blog post idea. Chances are if you google the topic, someone has already written about it. The simple solution to this dilemma is to approach the issue from a different angle. Instead of writing “How to Write a Successful Blog,” write about “5 Ways Your Blog Can Fail.” If you make every word count in short sentences, using simple and precise words, you are on the right track to being unique.

Unique content must provide unique value

To deliver quality content with unique value, you must understand your audience. What questions do they ask on social media? What are their concerns or goals? You can also share solutions to problems you have personally experienced.

People are defining the quality of web content on social media. It is very important that all content writers listen to what they are saying to their friends and coworkers.

We must give definitive answers and not simply direct them to another place where they can find the answers.

Your blog and web content shouldn’t just look like a sales brochure. Instead, focus on offering quality content that helps build relationships. You must first build trust and credibility with your target audience. Once that is achieved, the sales will follow.

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