
Effective measures for flea control on pets

Pet fleas are not only a health hazard for your pets, but can also be a health concern for you and your family members. In fact, if you have a pet at home, you may be apprehensive during the summer months as this is the time when your pets are most likely to be infested.

Fleas are tiny, brown insects. These parasites have an adverse effect on the health of your pet. Flea saliva causes allergies and leads to the occurrence of FAD or flea allergy dermatitis. These fleas thrive on the blood of animals and can also kill a kitten or puppy in a severe case of infestation. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that a pet owner adopt flea control measures.

As a pet owner, you should be careful around your pets and watch out for any type of parasite development on their skin. The symptoms of the infection manifest in the form of sores, scabs and scratching of the area. Areas that show hair loss need to be examined and all that remains of them is raw red skin.

The incubation period for these fleas is two and a half years. You may not have an idea of ​​their development as they may lie dormant for a period of time. Flea control on pets is possible through the use of various treatments. These include a combination of topical and oral medications. You can opt for any of the flea control programs depending on the intensity of the infection. The hormone lufrenon is administered in some cases, which prevents flea eggs from hatching.

You can control the growth of fleas on your pet by taking natural flea control measures. The application of chemicals can be harmful to your pet and therefore it is recommended that you opt for natural flea control measures. Garlic can be used to treat the affected area in case of dogs. However, you should refrain from using it as a flea control for cats, as garlic damages their red blood cells.

You can control the growth of fleas by performing periodic checks from time to time. Look for initial symptoms such as constant discomfort and scratching. What you can do is brush his hair with a metal comb and you may discover them on him. Have your pet sit on a white piece of paper and begin rubbing its back. In case of an infestation, you can detect flea feces.

Even after you manage to get rid of the flea, you should be careful that there is no reinfestation. Clean all the nooks and corners of your house and disinfect them with chemicals, if necessary. You should continue with the cleaning procedure for quite some time as the chances of reinfestation are high. If you have already encountered the problem in the past, you know how difficult it is to eliminate it. Taking the help of a vet will prove to be beneficial. Better safe than sorry is perfectly true for pet flea control.

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