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Colic and homeopathy: relief is on the way!

Everyone knows how charming a new baby can be! New life brings new love, new promise for the future, and overwhelming joy. However, that little sweetheart can also bring other kinds of baggage, like sleep deprivation for mom and dad, disruption to all routines, endless laundry, and the most dreaded of all: colic!

Colic is severe abdominal pain. The baby suffering from colic will usually have abdominal pain, gas, cramps, flatulence, bloating, and irritability accompanied by some very recognizable symptoms that are distinguishable from normal baby crying. Colic can produce a constant, piercing cry that lasts for hours, and the baby will exhibit a red face that may turn pale or blue around the mouth if the attack is prolonged or severe. In addition, the baby’s belly will be hard and distended, with the legs raised and the arms tightly clenched. Many times the infant will have cold hands and feet.

The American Academy of Pediatrics estimates that of the four million babies born in the United States each year, approximately 25% will develop colic. Colic most often affects babies from about two weeks to three months of age, and while doctors and scientists have been trying to find the cause of colic for more than 50 years, every study comes up with another theory, but Nothing concrete. However, we know that colic can be traumatic for everyone. Mom and dad, who were no longer sleeping, now have the added stress of seeing their baby in misery.

King Bio Children’s Colic Relief(TM) can provide safe, natural relief to your baby within 30 seconds to 10 minutes. If relief is not immediately noticeable, the product can be used as often as every 10 minutes until symptoms subside. Remember that with King Bio’s homeopathic formulas, dosages range from one spray in the mouth for newborns to three sprays for adults, so there’s no need to try to calm the baby long enough to get the medicine in. A spritz on that open, squeaky mouth usually provides quick and safe relief for most colicky babies.

All King Bio homeopathic formulas are pure water based. No need to worry about alcohol, sugar, or yeast. For an additional therapeutic effect, you can use any King Bio natural medicine topically on the affected area. Simply spray King Bio Colic Relief(TM) on your baby’s tummy and gently massage in a clockwise direction to help expel gas.

In certain circumstances, the baby may need additional King Bio natural medicines for relief. Parents may benefit from considering King Bio for indigestion, motion sickness, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, or food and chemical allergies. King Bio’s recommended formulas include Constitutional Enhancer(TM), Tummy Aches, all of our Detox Formulas, Growth and Development(TM), and VaccinoPlexä.

Having a new baby in the house can be a very physically and emotionally draining time for parents. Be sure to take care of yourself and use common sense during this stage of your baby’s development. The following suggestions may help:

-Rest and sleep when your baby rest and sleep.

– Nursing mothers should eat small amounts frequently. Eat a snack every two to four hours.

-Avoid certain foods that can aggravate colic, such as spicy foods.

-Listen to your body. Don’t ignore hunger pangs. Make sure you drink plenty of water.

-Negotiate a deal with your partner that you each get enough sleep each night. Your baby may wake up during the night, so take turns.

-Get some practical support if you are exhausted. Get help shopping, cleaning, cooking, or taking the baby for a walk.

-Ask your partner or a good friend to give you a massage on your face, feet or back.

-Do gentle exercise, which will help create energy.

-Remember that this is a short phase in your child’s development!

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