You are too sensitive!

Has your partner ever told you, “You are too sensitive”? Well, let’s be more precise about this; Has your partner repeatedly told you that you are overly sensitive? Because chances are, if he has told you once, he has said it a thousand times. Why? We will get to that in a moment. First, let’s tackle the really important question: […]

How do you help a student who is feeling desperate?

The beginning of a new class always carries a sense of hope for the students and their instructor. This is a time when students are most likely to listen, read assigned materials, and attempt to complete required learning activities. From an instructor’s perspective, there is an expectation that students are ready to learn and want to learn the course topics. […]

Three secrets to improve your decision making

There are three ways to improve your life and be successful through better decision making: (1) Make decisions quickly. (2) Change decisions slowly. (3) Let your decisions guide you to victory. I have made most of my important decisions in life very quickly and, in general, I am very satisfied with them. For example, I saw a house that I […]

Laws Apply to Dismissals For wrongful Dismison

Dismissals For wrongful Dismison The Manitoba Labour Board uses an in-depth approach to reviewing the circumstances of each instance of wrongful dismissal. Each member is empowered to request an investigation into any matter that gives rise to a possible complaint for wrongful dismissal. This will enable the Board to determine if there is a case to be made. If so, […]

Over-regulation in building codes and certification due to climate change alarmists is stifling growth

Have you ever wondered why rents are so high? Well, people with profitable properties are dealing with supply and demand, as supply is stable due to ROI challenges for building new apartments, and demand is increasing, prices will not go down. What many do not understand is that all this Agenda 21 or now called Agenda 2030 infiltrating its recommendations […]

Better prepared for college or work

America has a great opportunity to bring dynamic public schools to its neediest children, but it could ruin it. Called charter schools elsewhere, community schools are independent public schools of choice. That is not an oxymoron. They are new kinds of public schools, freed from most bureaucratic hassles, open to any child who chooses to attend, and accountable for their […]

What you need to know about law school

Law school is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences a student can have. The popularity and demand for law schools has grown at a dizzying rate. If you’ve ever seen “Devil’s Advocate,” Al Pacino (during his dramatic closing monologue) says that there are more people in law school than there are actual attorneys. I’ve done some research and […]

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