Arts Entertainments

Bishop, California in the movies

Movies are often not set in the location shown in the movie. Filmmakers and producers often choose locations that are cost-effective, convenient, and offer facilities that can handle the hundreds of people working on a studio film production. What can be portrayed on film as set in Afghanistan can actually be shot in California. And with today’s visual effects, filmmakers can take almost anywhere and adapt it to the setting they want to see on film.

Bishop is a city of about 3,500 residents not far from the Nevada border. The city is located at the northern end of the deepest valley in North America, the Owens Valley. Bishop is at a height of 4,190. The Sierra Nevada Mountains rise steeply to the west to more than 13,000 feet. To the east, the White Mountains rise to more than 14,000 feet.

Bishop has been the filming location for more than two dozen movies. Despite its remote location, it is a popular choice for filmmakers and filmmakers, as it has a picturesque mountainous setting, dry terrain, generally sunny conditions, and the Owens River.

Bishop is about 270 miles north of Los Angeles, where many movie studios are located. It is easily accessible relative to the Middle East areas or other Southwest areas. Bishop is located in the deepest valley in North America, the Owens Valley.

Bishop was historically the scene of numerous westerns. Director Sam Peckinpah’s 1962 film “Ride the High Country” was set in Bishop, as did the 1969 film “True Grit,” starring John Wayne. The 1973 film “High Plains Drifter” starring Clint Eastwood. It was also filmed in Bishop. Recently, the Bishop area has been the setting for several big budget movies.

The 2007 box office movie “Disturbia” begins with a scene set in a place that appears to be in Colorado or elsewhere in the Rocky Mountains. In the scene, Shia LaBeouf’s character is fly fishing in a river with his father with picturesque mountains in the background. The scene was actually filmed in Bishop by the Owens River.

Other recent films set in Bishop include the 1998 film, “Star Trek: Insurrection”; the 1996 film “The Arrival,” starring Charlie Sheen; and the 2009 film, “GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra.”

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