
Back to school: nervous excitement

I’m not that old that I don’t remember the first day back to school during most of elementary, middle, high school or even University. I have not had to prepare a child for the first day of school or back to school, but I have vicariously lived the experience of other parents, especially moms.

I adopted this family from church with four children and I asked the mom what she needed and she gave me names, ages and sizes. I was assigned to take care of underwear and the like. Oh! What a chore that turned out to be! Imagine someone with no children trying to shop for 4 children ages 3-12. The girls are the youngest and the oldest. I will not address that again. I decided to give a gift card to the store and let Mom do the shopping next time. I tried really hard to put myself into it and faked it a bit, but after I was done, I realized I had fun, except for worrying if the boys would like their underwear.

What I did has to be the easiest part of going back to school after a long summer break. I thought about the big to-do list and the clothes and school supplies that needed to be bought; not to mention a time change of the biological clock that must be adjusted. Moms and Mr. Mom have been rushing in the summer heat for physicals, dental checkups, orthodontic adjustments, haircuts, and shopping. What I visited the most refers to the mental changes and adjustments that students of all ages must make and it can’t be easy. The transitions that will take place will be challenging, scary, disturbing, and a sign of growth and maturation. These transitions may not be accepted voluntarily, but are forced without harmful intent because life happens. Babies become little children; toddlers grow into boys and girls who later become teenagers; teenagers turn into young adults becoming fully grown adults. (God willing!)


  • The return to school will mean that a pre-K student moving into first grade will now be in school for the full day instead of half a day. The child has to get used to being away from mom most of the day.
  • Returning to school for the sixth grader will mean being separated from one classroom and teacher for the majority of the day, to multiple classrooms and teachers throughout the day. This child who is already experiencing physical and hormonal changes is actually half scared to death. They are usually too scared to admit it and are caught between wanting to be on mommy’s lap and thinking that no one loves them. Finding his locker and getting to class on time could make this kid an Olympic runner.
  • Coming out of middle school and into high school for this age group is almost heaven, as long as they feel like they’re wearing a parachute. They have to to be out of brakes at this age and now they hope to be smart enough to ‘get by’. They are the ones with the most nervous excitement, I feel, because they are more excited than scared.
  • A junior who becomes a senior in high school knows that the GPA needs to be as high as possible for any Ivy League school to look their way, but it’s senior year in childhood (in their minds). Others know how much a high GPA matters, period. The pressure is to do something for themselves and going from high school is a giant leap from irresponsible teenager to responsible college student or employee.
  • Enrolling in the University is a crucial moment for freshmen. The moment they have waited for their entire life is now near, but for the life of them, they cannot understand why they are homesick!

I have only written from my imagination and not from the experience of preparing a child for the first day back to school. My prayer is that each child feels loved and safe. I don’t want you to worry about adult issues. I want the innocence of youth to be protected and respected. I want their first day back to school to be one of the best days of the rest of the school year! Moms, dads and guardians? Give them a hug from me?

  • Back to school for moms, dads and guardians means all of the above and then some. You are no doubt experiencing what children are like, so I suggest a group hug.

You’ll have lovely stories to listen to when they get home from the first day back at school. Others of you will receive phone calls, just like me. The nieces and nephews will be surprised they made it through the day, just as I have assured them they will. © 2006 Notice Ward

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