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An Interview with Pastor Mel Svendsen

I would like to introduce you to our Pastor and his family. I am excited to share with you an interview I had with our pastor, mel svendsen. Needless to say, he was excited to read his honest and candid responses to all of my questions. No, they weren’t really hard questions about deep theology, but more an inside look at the pastor who has a passion to love God and others in our community. Get ready to read… An interview with Pastor Mel Svendsen.

What previous experiences most affected your decision to become a pastor?

I had parents who were solidly Christian and they greatly influenced my love for God and the church. Also, a youth pastor modeled for me the impact you can have on others and the satisfaction it brings. Also, as a freshman in college, I was hired to be a youth pastor at a small church, and I felt God’s clear confirmation in my heart that pastoring would be my life’s calling.

What do you hope people experience when they attend Riverview Church?

I am praying that people will experience God’s presence, power, and love in our fellowship, as well as a commitment to the truths of God’s Word that are taught in all of our ministries.

Can you talk specifically about the Bible verses and examples that have had a big impact on your life?

So many verses have influenced my life, but certainly Micah 6:8, which was my dad’s life verse, and I adopted it as an early life verse for my life as well. Proverbs 3:5-6 has also been a powerful passage in my life. John 3 has been a passage that has fueled my love for evangelism and how to share the gospel with others.

What devotional book do you use or recommend?

I would recommend Tozer’s “The Quest for God”…a great book on nurturing a heart and life for God. I have also appreciated Wayne Grudem’s “Systematic Theology”. I was blessed to work with Dr. Grudem at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Dr. Grudem does a great job of integrating theology with devotional writings that challenge our response to the wonderful truths of God’s Word. Recently I have also been reading “Experiencing the Presence of God” by Chris Tiegreen. It would also be delivered if it didn’t at least communicate that the Bible itself is a wonderful source for daily “devotions.” Reading the Psalms, the Proverbs, and virtually the entire New Testament can inspire our “devotion” to the Lord. Certainly the entire Bible is worthy of our study, but the books I have mentioned are typically where you will find inspirational readings and “devotionals” to challenge your walk with the Lord.

At what point in your life were you convinced to trust the Bible?

I was raised by parents who loved the Word of God, so I always had confidence in the Word of God. Confirmation of God’s Word grew during my high school years when I was discipled by a wonderful youth pastor. My confidence in God’s Word continued to grow as I fell in love with the study of apologetics, especially in the fields of archaeology, biology, and earth sciences, which I believe confirm the authority and accuracy of the inerrant Word. of God.

What Biblical ideas pertain to a person who wants to develop lifelong principles of success?

I would once again affirm Proverbs 3:5-6 as well as Micah 6:8. For the believer, these verses help us understand what the Lord expects of us after we come to faith in Him. I think these verses give us a wonderfully succinct definition of success and communicate success principles that we can apply to all areas of life. of our lives.

What does the Bible say about forgiveness being less an emotion and more an act of the will?

The Bible certainly commands us to forgive, which implies a decision of the will, even when we do not “feel” like to forgive. We must forgive as Christ forgave us, which sets for believers the standard of forgiveness that we must display in our lives.

How did your near-death experience affect your trust in God’s word?

My near-death experience gave me an even greater appreciation of the God we serve and what a wonderful gift life is. We need to see every moment of our lives and potential opportunities to glorify God in everything we do. The experience also helped me appreciate the relationships in my life even more. I have a greater appreciation for every moment I spend with my amazing wife and children. Also, the relationships I have with other believers have become even more precious to me.

Is there something in the Bible that you struggle with?

There are teachings in the Bible that I would love to understand better. For example, I would love to have a better understanding of the salvation process and how God works in his sovereignty and wisdom as he holds people accountable for his rejection of Christ. I would love to have a better understanding of the amazing way God created life and the amazing diversity he demonstrated in the process of creation. Another thing I would mention is that I am saddened by hell. I totally believe it exists, but my heart breaks to realize that people who reject Christ are destined for it. This reality certainly motivates me to be a more zealous witness for Christ.

Is there anything else you would like to say?

I consider it a tremendous privilege and blessing to serve the people of Riverview. My prayer would be that Christ would be glorified in everything that happens in our church and that our commitment and legacy would be found in our passion to love God, love his Word, and love others through our Christ-centered fellowship and witness.

Thank you, Pastor Mel. Blessings for you and your family!

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