Health Fitness

5 main ingredients of a lasting relationship

Whether it is a relationship, a courtship or a marriage, if there are not certain ingredients to spice it up, it will collapse in no time. Let me share with you what you need to know to keep your relationship going forever.


Partners need to spend TIME together no matter how busy their schedule is to get to know each other properly, understand their individual values, and find ways to harmonize them. They should know individual likes, dislikes, favorites, hobbies and interests. This could be done in a number of ways; picnics, watching TV or games together, watching a movie, playing sports together, visiting tourist sites, etc.


Do not be disappointed, love or sex do not maintain a relationship, understanding does, especially in marriage. Accepting your partner for who they are helps prevent avoidable confrontations that can lead to breakups. You can’t always be right, learn to FORGIVE yourself and learn from past mistakes. Understanding maintains a relationship when the chips are down. Don’t be self centered; SHARE everything together because your partner is your LITHER TEST.


Being faithful to your partner is an invaluable and rare virtue. Being open and TRUTHFUL even when it hurts would make your partner treasure you forever. Commitment builds TRUST, makes both partners responsible and accountable, and also reduces the risk of STDs.


Communication sustains relationships, especially when it comes to long distance. It strengthens the bond and is the fuel that keeps the fire burning. It is a way of assuring your partner that you are always there. You need to DISCUSS how to let go of the past, survive the present, and prepare for the future.


Compatibility is the ability to coexist, but in this context coexistence must be friendly. Compatibility is not without problems and disputes, it is not a natural phenomenon; it takes deliberate work from both partners. It works like the LOCK and KEY hypothesis of enzyme-substrate reactions. To make it a perfect combination, you will need to reduce some excess in some points and also “add” in others. Searching for the perfect person is an endless search, instead, BE THE PERFECT PERSON.

There is no one way to achieve a perfect relationship, what matters is how you apply the fundamental principles and how you learn from the experiences.


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