
10 Powerful Ways to Get Motivated to Exercise

Most likely, due to this coronavirus lockdown, your motivation to exercise at home is less than your motivation to exercise at the gym. At home you get distracted, others interrupt you, a program on TV takes your attention away. And there are plenty of other concussions that get in the way.

Then what do you do?

How to avoid those interruptions? How can you motivate yourself to exercise regularly and correctly?

The key question to ask yourself is: How badly do you want to achieve your health and fitness goal?

Getting motivated to exercise is simple. Answer that question. Think about it with focused intensity. See in your mind the goal you want to achieve and reiterate your goal and most importantly reiterate the reason why you want to achieve that goal.

What is WHY you want to be fit and healthy?

What do you want to be fit and healthy for?

The WHY has all the power to go after your goal until you achieve it, even if you are exercising from home in this confinement situation.

How much you want your goal determines the strength of your motivation.

It is that force that will strongly motivate and drive you to accomplish your goal regardless of any challenge, setback, opposition, confrontation, distraction, interruption, diversion, or anything else.

How to stay motivated will no longer be a problem!

I remember a friend who set a goal for himself that he was extremely excited about. He talked for days and days about that goal; what it meant to him and how he really wanted to achieve it in six months maximum.

A couple of months later, my friend Bill took me aside. I could see that he was miserable and despondent. He went on to tell me how disappointed he was that his goal hadn’t materialized.

“Target! What target?” was my honest answer. I had forgotten everything. It wasn’t what Bill wanted to hear.

“You know, my goal is to get a toned, sculpted beach body,” Bill reminded me, a deep sense of defeat and frustration ringing in his voice.

“Oh that. I thought you were kidding. We all thought you changed your mind because we don’t see you going to the gym anymore,” I replied, maybe a little sarcastically.

So what happened here? What happened to Bill’s record? Where is his motivation?

At first, Bill was excited about his new goal of having a tight and toned beach body, as he put it. He was full of motivation and determination to achieve that goal. “I’ll make it no matter what” were his last words to me. Hmm.

I was constantly going to the gym four or five days a week. He drank his protein shakes, his supplements and was always asking the personal trainers questions about his training program and routine.

He was pleased with his progress.

However, by the third month, he started going to the gym twice a week, and halfway through that third month, he started going to the gym once a week.

Her dilemma was that she couldn’t understand why her motivation to go gum and exercise had dropped to once a week by the middle of her third month.

“In the beginning, I was so full of enthusiasm and motivation. I felt like nothing could stop me,” he explained, feeling very confused.

So what went wrong? Where did his incredible and unstoppable motivation go?

After careful examination, it emerged that Bill had lost his motivation because he wasn’t passionate about being toned.

She really didn’t care too much about having that beach body. In fact, she used to laugh at beach bodied people whenever she saw one on vacation.

Interesting point, huh? You see where this is going?

His goal was simply a passing ‘wish’.

In other words, I didn’t want to be toned enough. If he did, if he felt passionate, he would have continued with his exercise routine no matter what challenges he faced.

Bill was torn between two thoughts.

The first one said, “Yes, I would like to have a toned beach body.” But the second contradictory thought from him argued, “Sure, but you could go through life without it. You laugh at people who have a perfectly toned beach body, now you want one? Come on!”

And who won?

His contradictory thinking had the upper hand.

You see, Bill would have “liked” the toned body, but he didn’t turn that desire into a solid goal.

The idea of ​​the toned body remained just that, an idea or a wish. As such, his once powerful motivation had weakened until he was no longer there.

If I had made it a goal, a solid goal, I would have gone after it. He would have been motivated to pursue that goal no matter how tired or busy he was.

After all, it was his goal. And goals are meant to be achieved.

Passion ignites drive from deep within to stay motivated to achieve all kinds of goals.

Passion provides the fuel to keep you in a highly motivated state of mind.

Once you figure out what you’re passionate about, once you figure out WHY you want to be healthy and fit, how to get motivated to exercise becomes a simple matter of getting up and going no matter what.

Your motivation to remain persistent, regardless of setbacks and obstacles, will be unstoppably strong.

Now, in this lockdown situation we are all facing, I have included below 10 powerful ways you can use to motivate yourself to exercise – over time, your motivation will increase regardless of distractions or interruptions.

Motivation drives you to take consistent daily steps to achieve and live your goal.

The 10 powerful ways on how to stay motivated are listed below. All you have to do is modify your strategy:

1. Plan your health and fitness goal once again

Now that you’re in lockdown mode, just because you have a goal doesn’t mean you can achieve it. Your mind is too focused on this interruption of going to the gym. Being frustrated and continually asking yourself, “How can I stay motivated with all these interruptions around me? How can I stay motivated without being around others who are also exercising?” and a host of other similar questions, you will inevitably be headed in the wrong direction.

As we saw with Bill, you need to have a clear and concise goal with no conflicts.

Simply wishing you had a certain body type will not help.

Just wanting to lose weight won’t help.

Just wanting to run the marathon won’t help.

Working out has a lot more to do with the thrill of achieving full and complete fitness.

That is a great goal to live for; at least for now while exercising at home and not at the gym.

So what exercise routine plan can you follow at home? Jumping Jacks, Planks, Tricep Dips using a stable chair? Think about it and come up with a plan. It doesn’t have to be set in stone; adjust it as time goes by until you finally come up with a plan that makes you happy.

You may face ‘home distractions’. Arrange with the people around you a schedule without interruptions while you train. Ask them to respect your training time.

2. Focus on the thrill of exercising, not just exercising

One powerful way to stay motivated to exercise is to focus on the excitement and happiness that exercise will bring.

Support the discomfort of exercising at home by seeing the final result; remembering WHY you are exercising in the first place.

And an even more powerful emotional booster is to look in the mirror after training.

See and feel how good you look. This is a great motivation booster.

3. Reward yourself:

When you used to work out at the gym, did you reward yourself for getting such a good workout? If not, you should have.

Now that you’re working out from home, it’s even more important to reward yourself after every workout.

Create a rewards list.

pamper yourself.

4. Stick to the plan that works for you

As we mentioned in step one, planning is important. Now, sticking to the ultimate plan is crucial to your fitness success.

If your motivation to exercise has waned, and it may sometimes, this is where discipline and your big WHY kick in.

Let discipline motivate you to exercise.

Let the big WHY be your powerful ‘talk over your shoulder’; that he urges you to stay motivated. This ‘talk over your shoulder’ guides you on how to stay motivated during your workout.

And throughout the confinement.

5.Quality over quantity

This is the key. Just because you’re at home and not in a gym doesn’t mean the quality of your training should suffer.

Don’t compromise and settle for less.

Don’t risk what you’ve already won.

True, you may need to adjust your training at home. True, how to get motivated to exercise can be a problem (at first). It’s true that the quality of your training may take a slight hit.

If so, find a way around it to get as much quality back as you can from each training session, and go through each session with full determination and dedication.

It is about quality and not quantity.

6. Set workout milestones at home

Break your end goal into small achievable milestones. You can do this every week if you want. If, at the gym, your goal was to do 100 push-ups and you find it difficult to do at home for whatever reason, break it down into achievable milestones by performing the number you can do at home and scale up to 100.

Start with small steps to see what you can and cannot do and gradually build up.

This will certainly keep you motivated.

7. Get yourself a training partner

How to stay constantly motivated can be a struggle from time to time. If that happens to you, consider finding a training partner; someone who will work with you and help you stay motivated, and you can encourage and motivate him too.

What a wonderful win-win exchange.

8. Music keeps you active

If finding a workout partner is a challenge for you, or if that person can’t be there for you as often as you’d like (even on Facetime), enlist your other workout partner: your music playlist.

For many, listening to music can be a powerful motivation to exercise.

You are one of them?

If not, consider that method.

You may be pleasantly surprised at how listening to your favorite music can energize you; where he will be motivated and where he can stay motivated to exercise.

And for some, they train even longer and more intensely thanks to the strong rhythms of the songs they love.

9. A fantastic distraction that you will enjoy

While we wrap this up, here’s a particular distraction that I think you’ll like. Do all or part of your workout while watching your favorite TV show.

This will be a pleasant distraction that will take your mind off the unpleasantness of exercising at home and not in the gym.

It could be a huge distraction if your cardio routine is ‘boring’ at home. This distraction will kill boredom, don’t you think?

10. Celebrate!

Make it a point to celebrate your success. You could celebrate each completion of training. You could celebrate reaching each milestone. You could celebrate every week of dedicated exercise.

Celebrate that you’re actually working out at home in the first place and you didn’t quit now that gyms are closed.

Create a list of reasons for celebration and enjoy each celebration.

There you go. Those were 10 powerful ways to get motivated to exercise and how to stay motivated during this lockdown.

Let me end with a quote from Zig Ziglar: People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, bathing either, that’s why we recommend it daily.

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