Qigong Walking – The Chinese Secret of Youth

In China, people look to retirement as a time when they will have the freedom to spend time with friends and do all the things they enjoy most. Naturally, from this perspective, it would make sense to prolong life after retirement, and anything that helps this will naturally find its way into the daily routine of China’s elderly retirees. When […]

Fiji Travel Guide: Restaurants

Fijian restaurants often serve continental cuisine as many chefs working in these places hail from Australia and New Zealand. Resorts and hotels usually have a themed menu that focuses on a certain cuisine on a certain night. There are a number of restaurants in island resorts, hotels, and cafes serving Japanese, Chinese, and Indian cuisine. Most of the restaurants offer […]

Discover the past, present and future in Dubai

If you are seriously interested in exploring Dubai, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at the things you need to know about Dubai. The rich culture of the desert city of Dubai is based on its ancient Arab heritage, vast modern technology and cosmopolitan luxuries. For centuries a land devoted primarily to […]

the day has "Tide" hit chicago

“Giant tidal wave hits local town lake.” April Fool’s joke? Probably. “Giant tidal wave hits Chicago”. Joke right? No. This was the headline in the evening edition of the Chicago Daily News on June 26, 1954. I left home in my beat-up Chevy around 9:00 am on a warm Saturday morning in June 1954 and drove to Montrose Beach and […]

Bali in Brief: The Ultimate Concise Travel Guide

Bali is a destination that offers so much to the traveler that a short guide explaining some of the facets of the island will help decipher the many options and hopefully help you with your vacation choices. Any vacation is about maximizing your time, even if it means just kicking back and doing nothing. You still want to achieve the […]

Winning as a leader against daunting odds

Opposition is a natural part of life. Just as we build our physical muscles by overcoming opposition, such as lifting weights, we build our character muscles by overcoming challenges and adversity. ~ Stephen R. Covey I have never been more conflicted with a decision in my Marriott career than when I received the results of a hotel employee opinion survey […]

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