Can you escape PRISM surveillance?

According to major news sources, there has been significant spying on Americans’ email accounts, Skype calls, search results, and social media. This surprises many people who are under the impression that their privacy is theirs. All of this is possible through PRISM, a US government program that helps spy. There are reportedly popular social networks participating in this show. This […]

SWTOR Trooper class review

Star Wars the Old Republic MMO is here, and yes, they have other classes available to play in addition to Jedi or Sith. One of these classes is Trooper. I’m going to give you a quick review of the SWTOR Trooper classes so you can see if they fit your play style. The Trooper is an elite Special Forces fighting […]

How to remove Snapchat Best Friends

As one of the best video and photo sharing apps available, Snapchat’s recent press release reported that more than 500 million snapshots are sent and received daily. One of the most popular features of Snapchat is the best friends list, which is hated and loved alike. Users enjoy this feature due to its easy availability to exchange snapshots with people […]

Choosing the right Kindle

In 2007, Kindle launched its first eReader, a unique device for the purpose of downloading digital media such as e-books, blogs, newspapers, and magazines. Priced at around $ 400, it could store up to 200 non-illustrated books in 400MB memory. In the six years that have passed, great technological advancements mean that the Kindle range now has memory capacities ranging […]

SEO Marketing 2018: Top Trends To Focus On

In the world of search engine optimization, 2017 was a busy year in terms of an increase in voice search and strict rules for AMP (accelerated mobile pages). In 2018, there have been some more interesting developments that you can adopt to stay ahead of your competitors. Read on to stay up-to-date with the latest SEO marketing trends. Custom search […]

5 reasons why Mario is so popular

When it comes to video games, one of the most popular characters is known as Mario. During Nintendo’s 30-year career, it introduced more than 100 games for many genres and systems and enjoyed great success. Below are 5 reasons why Mario Bros runs in circles around other games. Keep reading. Revolutionary style In the gaming world, Mario offers a refreshing […]

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