
It’s never too early to prepare your children for dental care.


Teething is considered one of the first rituals of the human being. Although babies do not yet have teeth, they begin to show when they are around six months old. In the first few years of their lives, all of their 20 milk teeth will erupt through the gums, and by age 3 most children will have their complete set of teeth. When a baby is around 6 months old, the four front teeth often erupt from the gums, although some children only get their first tooth when they are 12-14 months old.

When their teeth begin to show, some babies become irritable, fussy, sleepless, drool more frequently, or lose their appetite. When babies are teething, they usually do not have diarrhea, fever, or rashes. So in case they experience such symptoms and continue to be irritable and restless, see their doctor.

First visit to the dentist

Once your child’s first tooth appears, schedule a visit to the doctor. Under the ADA, the first dental visit must be within six months of the appearance of the first tooth, and no later than the first birthday. Don’t put it off until school is about to start or when there is a problem.

Teach your child to be comfortable with good dental habits. Usually, during the first visit, the dentist will only examine your child’s mouth to check tooth development and to make your child comfortable. To make the visit to the dentist more favorable:

  • Schedule an appointment during the day so that the children are well rested and cooperative.

  • Keep your worries to yourself. Children can easily feel your emotions, so emphasize the positive aspects.

  • Never use a visit to the dentist to punish/threate your child.

  • Never use a visit to the dentist as a bribe.

  • Talk positively with your child about going to the dentist.

At your dental visit, expect the dentist to:

  • Examine for oral problems or cavities;

  • Reveal if there is any risk of developing cavities;

  • Clean teeth and give tips for daily care;

  • Talk about teething, pacifier use, or thumb-sucking habits;

  • Discuss the necessary treatment and schedule the next appointment.


The mineral called fluoride is found naturally in all water sources, such as lakes, oceans, and rivers. It is also sometimes included in toothpaste, mouthwashes, and various community tap waters. Babies, as well as young children, who don’t get enough fluoride, may be more prone to cavities because fluoride protects tooth enamel.

Fluoride also repairs weakened enamel. Since not all bottled water contains fluoride, children who regularly drink this water or fluoridated tap water do not enjoy its benefits. If you have questions about whether or not your tap water contains fluoride, check with your local or state health department or water supplier.


It is quite common for babies and younger children to suck their thumb, finger or pacifier. When a pacifier is dipped in sweet foods like honey, sugar, and sweetened juice, it can cause tooth decay.

Tooth decay can also start when saliva with cavity-causing bacteria is passed from mother or caregiver to baby. Also, when any of them puts a baby’s spoon or pacifier in their mouths, the bacteria can be transmitted to the baby.

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