Online networking resources

Networking is a great asset for professional, academic and business development. In addition to connecting in person, connecting online is also beneficial. Virtual networking opens doors and gives you access to many resources and opportunities. It allows you to extend your reach even further and connect with others around the world. But you need to do your due diligence and […]

How can you tell if someone is authentic?

Being a more authentic person is good for business, but it’s also good for your personal life. When you are a genuine person and the same person in any situation, you will feel better about yourself and you will also be able to build a more successful business. Here are qualities that make a person authentic. they are consistent An […]

A guide to Bournemouth

You know a place is extraordinary when it can earn itself a flattering nickname. Bournemouth, with its many attractions and warm climate, is known as ‘London by the Sea’. Bournemouth could easily be anyone’s dream location given that it is situated on the south coast of England and offers one of the warmest climates in the whole of the UK. […]

Channeling: An explanation of how a medium can channel spirits

The pipeline definition Channeling, in psychic parlance, is the process of receiving and transmitting information to and from an unseen external entity or source in an ‘altered state of consciousness’ or trance. This state is based on thought, self-induced or triggered by an expert. The channel loses its body awareness and reaches a level of intelligence that is almost in […]

Are empaths codependent?

Empaths are more than empaths. Like a HSP (highly sensitive person), they are highly attuned to the stimuli and emotions and energy of other people, usually to a degree considered transpersonal or paranormal. They can be codependent and end up in abusive relationships. Let us first consider some definitions. An HSP has a rich inner life and a deep central […]

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